E-Control rewarded during IT Night 2015
Presented during IT Night 2015 as Innovative solution, E-Control has ranked third place in the category INNOVATIVE DSI. This award demonstrates once again the value of our solution and its contribution to our customers. We recall that E-Control, the “real-time IT monitoring dashboard ” is unique and brings lot of added value for its users.
E-Control 1.3.8 – 02/04/2015
- [IMPROVEMENT] Added option to specify a layer used to define application availability
- [IMPROVEMENT] Optimizing performance in some cases
- [IMPROVEMENT] Adding a webservice to retrieve certain information in JSON format
- [IMPROVEMENT] Each user can choose the default theme (heading “My Account”)
- [BUG] An error could occur in the status generation of smart layers
- [BUG] now forbidden to delete your own user profile
- [BUG] Call for a nonexistent theme in the administration of layers => loading errors of images
- [BUG] In the administration of smart layers, when no equation was defined for a state, the regarding state was not indicated. It was impossible to know what state the changes were reported to.
- [BUG] In the listener, warning messages might appear when using smart layers.
- [BUG] Fixed a root calculation problem with some specific URL
- [BUG] Fixed a messages creation scrolling problem on the ticker with specific applications
- [BUG] Fixed an issue in terms of LDAP import with some nonexistent fields
E-Control 1.3.7 – 05/03/2015
- [IMPROVEMENT] Added a backup / restore system of E-Control in command line.
- [IMPROVEMENT] Added an authentication “ldapcompare” mode to compare the value of an attribute (password)
- [IMPROVEMENT] When creating a profile, automatic scrolling is disabled by default, unless the parent profile activated it.
- [IMPROVEMENT] Adding a default password in the LDAP import in case of “ECONTROL” authentication method selected.
- [IMPROVEMENT] Added authentication mode choice during the LDAP import of a list of users
- [IMPROVEMENT] Removed heartbeat flash when the status is OK
- [IMPROVEMENT] It is possible to change the matrix refresh interval option
- [IMPROVEMENT] It is possible to click on the top left of the matrix to view all alerts in the events trail
- [IMPROVEMENT] The names of files when exporting is now variable according to the export table
- [IMPROVEMENT] Switching to jQuery 2.1.3 (lighter code)
- [BUG] Fixed alerts counting type in groups view. The applications that were part of several groups had their alerts recorded several times.
- [BUG] In case of a low number of layers, the menu (header) could take a significant height. Now it will be off at least 700 pixels
- [BUG] When searching for a particular user, this could create a SQL bug with SQL Server
- [BUG] Removed unnecessary LDAP login and password in the general options.
- [BUG] When the duration of the automatic scrolling is 0, it does not activate the scrolling.
- [BUG] When there were many layers, the menu (header) could not be fully visible
- [BUG] A change in the connector information via the administration could be in conflict with the listener who was erasing old data.
- [BUG] Fixed an issue in the automatic scroll, when the matrix was manually scrolled, it slowed.
- [BUG] Backup of “favorites” (matrix) did not work when the “Can edit its personal information (menu ‘My Account’)” was unchecked
- [BUG] Fixed a SQL injection flaw in the management of tables
- [BUG] # 465 The wording of a column could not be displayed completely via the “Columns” button to show / hide columns in a table
E-Control 1.3.6 – 08/12/2014
- [IMPROVEMENT] management added of a second LDAP server: one for the import, one for connecting users
- [BUG] Fixed an issue at the matrix backup
- [BUG] Increasing the size of email and telephone_mobile fields
- [BUG] When layers were ticked or not, the width of the matrix was not recalculated
E-Control 1.3.5 – 03/12/2014
- [IMPROVEMENT] Adding an automatic vertical scroll system by profile
- [IMPROVEMENT] Adding a “base DN” field to LDAP import, which could be useful with some LDAP directories
- [IMPROVEMENT] Memory Optimization of LDAP users import
- [IMPROVEMENT] Added two fields that control timeouts for connection and search (LDAP)
- [IMPROVEMENT] Decrease of HTML code displayed when on the matrix – reduced loading times (slow network connections)
- [BUG] Fixed a bug in LDAP authentication
- [BUG] When clicking a group link , the group hid before switching to the linked page.
- [BUG] Increased timeout for network connections in the interface
E-Control 1.3.4 – 28/11/2014
- [IMPROVEMENT] general optimization of the matrix refreshment. Only the state changes are updated
- [IMPROVEMENT] Removing layers icons as PNG to make room for glyphicons
- [IMPROVEMENT] When creating a user profile, the default root is now selected (before the user was forced to click).
- [IMPROVEMENT] The entire tree is now clickable in Classic View
- [BUG] Fixed an issue in terms of LDAP import (bad RDN used) and in terms of LDAP connection.
- [BUG] Fixed bug when clicking on the footer to display ticker messages
- [BUG] Fixed an issue of rights: the invisible layers of the parent profile will no longer be checked ‘visible’ on children profiles, ditto for certain rights.
- [BUG] Fixed column width problem with very large matrices
- [BUG] Fixed an overriding of application name concerning the “criticity” column when it is too long.
- [BUG] Fixed an edge of concern on the matrix tables in Chrome Mac
- [BUG] On PostgreSQL, there might be a mistake while launching the listener,when Centreon connector was present.
E-Control 1.3.3 – 21/11/2014
- [IMPROVEMENT] Added a “full screen” view mode
- [IMPROVEMENT] The events tray no longer covers the ticker
- [IMPROVEMENT] Adding a template system. The theme can be chosen at the install and be changed in the configuration file.
- [IMPROVEMENT] Smarty 3.1.21 upgrade
- [IMPROVEMENT] At each click near the matrix, the tray are closed if previously opened.
- [IMPROVEMENT] Changing the look and feel of the matrix loading
- [IMPROVEMENT] When creating a layer, added an option to mark the layer as unmonitored for all existing applications.
- [IMPROVEMENT] Decreased scrolling speed of tickler
- [IMPROVEMENT] Added a slight pause during which the band of the message does not circulate
- [BUG] In the administration of profiles, the tree could not appear in case of profile modification
E-Control 1.3.2 – 14/11/2014
- [IMPROVEMENT] Significantly improved performance of SQL Listener
- [IMPROVEMENT] Added a pending icon while loading matrix
- [IMPROVEMENT] “cufon” javascript font deleted and CSS font added
- [IMPROVEMENT] When a user is not logged in and tries to go on a product page, he is redirected to the login page
- [IMPROVEMENT] Adding the SAML authentication method
- [IMPROVEMENT] Added license information regarding user accounts
- [BUG] Increased field “libellé” capacity .
- [BUG] Listener: new applications or layers were created even though this should not be the case.
- [BUG] The group view could, in certain circumstances, not display the root group.
- [BUG] The data formatting sent to the listener was not correct in some cases.
E-Control 1.3.1 – 10/11/2014
- [AMELIORATION] Ajout de la sauvegarde de l’état de visibilité des groupes et de la visibilité des arborescences
- [AMELIORATION] Ajout d’un import LDAP des comptes utilisateurs
- [AMELIORATION] Les options générales (Administration => Options générales) sont désormais classées par ordre alphabétique.
- [AMELIORATION] Ajout d’une option “couche dynamique” dans la gestion d’une couche, qui permettra ultérieurement de prévoir un fonctionnement spécifique
- [AMELIORATION] Ajout d’une option pour accepter ou non la création automatique des applications
- [AMELIORATION] Ajout d’une option pour accepter ou non la création automatique des couches
- [BUG] Correction d’un bug au niveau du listener en cas d’alertes corrompues
- [BUG] Correction du bug de clignotement des alertes
- [BUG] Correction d’un bug lors de la modification d’une couche dans l’administration
- [BUG] Correction d’un bug dans la sauvegarde des colonnes
- [BUG] Correction d’un bug lors de l’insertion d’un utilisateur
- [BUG] Correction visuelle de la dernière ligne affichée partiellement sur la matrice, en cas de nombreuses applications
- [BUG] Il est désormais impossible d’afficher le fichier brut de la licence directement via HTTP
- [BUG] Correction d’un souci à l’installation avec certains caractères dans les informations de connexion à la base de données
E-Control 1.3.5 – 03/12/2014
- [IMPROVEMENT] Adding an automatic vertical scroll system by profile
- [IMPROVEMENT] Adding a “base DN” field to LDAP import, which could be useful with some LDAP directories
- [IMPROVEMENT] Memory Optimization of LDAP users import
- [IMPROVEMENT] Added two fields that control timeouts for connection and search (LDAP)
- [IMPROVEMENT] Decrease of HTML code displayed when on the matrix – reduced loading times (slow network connections)
- [BUG] Fixed a bug in LDAP authentication
- [BUG] When clicking a group link , the group hid before switching to the linked page.
- [BUG] Increased timeout for network connections in the interface
E-Control 1.3 – 27/10/2014
- [IMPROVEMENT] Tree view for Groups. It is possible to level “down” into the tree. Only nodes and low level leaves are directly displayed.
- [IMPROVEMENT] Inside groupview, it is possible to click on each leaf of the tree, to switch to the designed node (and its children).
- [IMPROVEMENT] Creation of specific licenses with manageable use rights.
- [IMPROVEMENT] Creation of an automatic update process inside administration.
- [IMPROVEMENT] Product automatic install process (for a new install).
- [IMPROVEMENT] Backup settings (columns, research, etc.) are saved for each user profile.
- [IMPROVEMENT] Remove of the “root” parameter in config.ini file, the root of the product is now determined automatically.
- [IMPROVEMENT] User profiles now obey ACL as tree. A profile can not view parents profiles, he can only see all his children profiles.
- [IMPROVEMENT] Implantation of parenting rights. A son profile can not have more rights than his father.
- [IMPROVEMENT] Communication with connectors inside the heartbeat is now possible. Clicking on an icon displays detailed information about the connector and displays if the connection is up and running.
- [IMPROVEMENT] When deleting a layer, if it is part of a logical equation, an information message appears, requesting delete confirmation.
- [IMPROVEMENT] scrolling banner is now horizontal.
- [IMPROVEMENT] Add of a “tray” containing all scrolling banner messages when click on the banner.
- [IMPROVEMENT] Evolution of the DataTables plugin to version 1.10.3, necessary to avoid a bug with saving tables display parameterss
- [BUG] When adding, modifying or deleting a layer, menus to determine the logic equations did not get updated to take changes into account.
- [BUG] Informations concerning non-visible applications could be transmitted to connecting user via matrix display.
- [BUG] In “Administration => Applications”, list of displayed layers could include layers normally invisible to the connected user.
IT Expo 2014 – november 18 & 19 2014
E-Control will be exhibiting at IT EXPO 2014, November 18 & 19 2014.
Teem E-Control is a solution to revolution managers and production managers vision over monitoring of their critical applications, by providing them a real-time IT applications matrix view, split into layers (application, middleware, servers, storage, networking …).
We will present the latest version of the solution (1.3) and its features! Feel free to visit us and ask questions! Link to the show here.
E-Control 1.2 – 08/09/2014
- [IMPROVEMENT] Possibility to define a layer type (classical, customizable, etc.)
- [IMPROVEMENT] Possibility to define logical equations to specify layer state.
- [BUG]Fixed a display issue on some popup windows
- [IMPROVEMENT] Dates / times formatting type definition
- [IMPROVEMENT] General performance optimization (autoload, casting, unnecessary code remove, etc.)
- [IMPROVEMENT] listener.php file delete. Listener is now called with “php index.php listener” command
- [IMPROVEMENT] Creation of a scrolling banner to display different messages to users.
- [IMPROVEMENT] Changing the popup closing icon, more visible and visual.
E-Control 1.1 – 25/07/2014
- [IMPROVEMENT] use of Zéro MQ library removal.
- [IMPROVEMENT] Case sensitivity delete over the name returned by monitoring product over applications and layers.
- [IMPROVEMENT] It is now possible to specify if unknown applications have to be visible or not by default.
- [IMPROVEMENT] While creating an unknown application, it is now placed in root group by default.
- [IMPROVEMENT] Adding pagination in the events tray.
- [IMPROVEMENT] Adding filtering to the root of application groups at user groups level.
- [IMPROVEMENT] Adding customizable options for user groups.
- [IMPROVEMENT] Added an option to set the default display of the matrix.
- [BUG] Fixed a popups placement issue in height.
- [BUG] Fixed an issue with tree click (administration of user profiles) and Javascript code optimization.
- [BUG] Some errors caused in the listener no longer cut its execution.
- [BUG] Analysis error correction for some very large packets (listener).
- [BUG] Fixed alerts display and number of alerts display in the events tray, which could not take into account group permissions.