
E-Control 1.3.6 – 08/12/2014

  • [IMPROVEMENT] management added of a second LDAP server: one for the import, one for connecting users
  • [BUG] Fixed an issue at the matrix backup
  • [BUG] Increasing the size of email and telephone_mobile fields
  • [BUG] When layers were ticked or not, the width of the matrix was not recalculated

E-Control 1.3.5 – 03/12/2014

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Adding an automatic vertical scroll system by profile
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Adding a “base DN” field to LDAP import, which could be useful with some LDAP directories
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Memory Optimization of LDAP users import
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Added two fields that control timeouts for connection and search (LDAP)
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Decrease of HTML code displayed when on the matrix – reduced loading times (slow network connections)
  • [BUG] Fixed a bug in LDAP authentication
  • [BUG] When clicking a group link , the group hid before switching to the linked page.
  • [BUG] Increased timeout for network connections in the interface